My Christmas this year wasn't filled with lots of stuff. I think that sometimes we get so distracted by all that "stuff" we forget to slow down and enjoy the holiday. So this year I went the no stress route. I didn't get lots of presents made this year, the only thing I made was an earflap hat for my little niece Brylee, and that took an evening. The little thumb-less mitts took only a couple hours, I worked on them as we drove to my parents for Christmas yesterday and had them done for her shortly after we arrived. Nobody had a lot of money this year, so we went with gifts for the little kids and just little things at that. Everyone still had a great time. We didn't have a huge feast that would have meant someone spending the whole day in the kitchen, that just seemed silly. I wanted my Mom, who does the vast majority of the cooking to spend time with us instead and it was great being able to visit with her while she relaxed. That was the best part, spending time with my family and laughing. So I have to say that it's been a great holiday and a peaceful one. I hope everyone else has enjoyed their holiday as much. Enjoy these pix of our Christmas.
It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas and celebrated family, that is what Christmas is really about. I hope the rest of your holiday is peaceful and happy and wishing you the best for the coming year.