I'm working on a cardigan for my Mom. I started it over a year ago, planning to give to her for her birthday last April. Then I thought maybe I'd give it to her for Mother's Day. Didn't happen, arghhh! I got really busy with other knitting projects, but always in the back of my mind was the thought that I would certainly finish the sweater for her birthday this year. sigh Didn't happen. I didn't get to go and see her for Mother's day, but I am going to a family get together in a week, maybe I still have time?
My biggest problem with this sweater was that although I liked the sweater, there were some parts I just wasn't satisfied with. So, of course, I had to change them. I can't think of many patterns I've used over the years that I haven't changed in some way. Considering all the frogging I did on the sweater before I was happy with it, I probably could have had it done a long time ago! Oh well, if it turns out well, it fits her and she likes it, all the time and frogging will have been worth the effort.